Analyser 3.0: The big reveal

We are proud to present the latest version of Analyser – Analyser 3.0.

This latest iteration follows the addition of MPS due diligence in 2022, and represents a pretty major overhaul both in how the system looks as well as what you can use it to do.

There are two parts to Analyser 3.0 – a new look and feel, and new functionality to carry out due diligence not just at firm level, but also at individual client level.

1.       New user experience

When you log in to Analyser, you’ll see a number of changes:

– A new dashboard that’s personalised to you and the due diligence tasks you’ve carried out inside Analyser

– Enhanced layout and navigation menu

– User help and resources are now front and centre, helping you find the data you need quickly

– The ability to add your firm details and logo to the dashboard view (building on the white-labelled due diligence reports introduced last year)

– Overall, a new user experience that makes Analyser more intuitive to use and easier to navigate

2.       Client suitability reports

Up until now, platform due diligence in Analyser was at a firm level, i.e. choosing your platform panel based on what was most suitable overall for most clients.

With client suitability reports, users can now take this a stage further, assessing which platform is the best fit for individual clients.

When you run a client report, your platform panel can be prepopulated based on existing due diligence if you wish. And if your firm has secured any custom pricing deals, the pricing in the client reports will reflect that.

The new report includes suitability statements on why a platform is being recommended, capturing your full rationale behind the platform decision. This goes beyond cost to include factors like proposition, functionality and client preference.

Data can be exported to wherever you want, such as report writing software. It can also be downloaded as a PDF report directly from Analyser.

In a first for Analyser, the new functionality includes platform pricing analysis which calculates what the effective charges would be for up to 15 years based on the size of the client’s portfolio. Using the lang cat’s famous pricing heatmaps, these cost projections can model growth rates, contributions and withdrawals as needed.

We think the new client suitability report will be particularly useful when it comes to platform switching, and in evidencing your decision-making on behalf of clients.

Building on solid foundations

Analyser’s approach to research and due diligence remains as it’s always been – a robust, repeatable process built around evidencing suitability for platforms and MPS ranges. For us, the process starts with your firm, your proposition and your clients.

This chimes with the regulator’s outlook too, meaning Analyser’s methodology complements the FCA rules as set out under Consumer Duty, PROD and the approach of starting suitability and due diligence with your clients’ needs first.

If you’d like to find out more, give Analyser a go with a 14 day free trial.  

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Discover the difference Analyser can make to your platform and MPS due diligence

Due diligence done properly | Fiercely independent | Your data remains your data