Analyser teams up with BareRock

We’re pleased to announce that Analyser has teamed up with new professional indemnity insurer BareRock as part of a drive to shake up how PII cover is offered to advisers.

BareRock has developed a PII service which is designed to be more personalised and based on individual firm risk rather than industry averages.

Under the tagline ‘good companies in good company®’, its cover aims to reward firms which can clearly demonstrate de-risking based on robust processes that meet clients’ needs.

As part of this, BareRock has chosen a select number of tech systems which it has deemed to be ‘best of breed’. The use of these systems can contribute to better PII terms and fairer rates.

Analyser is pleased to have been chosen as one of these systems, and that our robust approach to due diligence has met the standard applied by an independent third party.

If you’d like to find out more BareRock and its approach to PII cover, you can register your interest here

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