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Analyser updated with changes to AJ Bell charging structure

AJ Bell has made changes to its charging structure including a new tier and scrapping certain SIPP-related charges, and Analyser has been updated to reflect this.

The changes, which came into effect from 1 April 2024, include:

– A new pricing tier from £500,000 to £1m, with a platform charge of 0.175%

– The charge for assets between £1.5m and £2m has been reduced from 0.1% to 0.075%

– The annual platform charge is now capped for all accounts. The previous 0.025% charge for assets over £2m in accounts valued at more than £10m has now been removed.

The platform has also made changes to costs associated with SIPP transfers and conversions.

Changes like this mark a good opportunity to do a quick refresh of your due diligence, run a pricing comparison, or see how any preferential terms your firm has secured with AJ Bell stack up against the new standard pricing.

If you haven’t already, sign up for a free trial with Analyser.

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