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Barras Capital Management available on Analyser

Barras Capital Management’s MPS ranges are now available to include in the comparison, due diligence and suitability exercises you run in Analyser.

Barras Capital Management (BCM) launched its MPS ranges in November 2019 and has assets under management of £110m.

It is wholly owned by the company directors.

The ranges available to assess in Analyser are:

• BCM Core Portfolios

 • BCM Capped Portfolios

BCM’s proposition is for advised clients only. The company describes its approach as “thoughtful, long-term investment” which it says works best as part of a sound financial plan.

It adds that BCM’s approach to risk goes beyond volatility, instead prioritising “portfolio survivability” in the face of unpredictable events.

BCM also imposes a 15% limit to exposure in any one fund with the exception of: 

• physically-backed passive strategies that aim to track the performance of a broadly diversified equity market index

• physically-backed strategies that invest a minimum of 80% in British, US, German and/or Japanese government bonds.

Generally, portfolios will comprise no more than 30 individual fund holdings. 

We’re adding more MPS providers all the time. If there’s a MPS provider or range that you’d like to see on Analyser, let us know and contact the provider to encourage them to get the wheels in motion.

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