CS Investment Managers available on Analyser

CS Investment Managers’ managed portfolio service is now available on Analyser for review as part of your investment due diligence.

Based in Edinburgh, CS Investment Managers (CSIM) was founded in 2003 as an owner-managed boutique discretionary investment management firm. It serves private clients, trusts, pension schemes, corporate funds and charities.

Following the launch of a bespoke portfolio service and top quartile ranking AIM service (as assessed by Asset Risk Consultants), the company launched its MPS in September 2022. It has £6.9m in MPS assets and manages of a total of over £200m of client assets.

As part of its investment philosophy, CSIM values senior management at funds and companies having ‘skin in the game’ and being invested themselves. It believes this differentiates some active fund managers from others.

Portfolios are risk mapped to several providers including Dynamic Planner, Oxford Risk and FinaMetrica.

The company also offers annual meetings with its investment team and regular portfolio updates.

CSIM investment director Liam Goodbrand says: “Having our model portfolios available on the lang cat’s Analyser tool is a great way for advisers to obtain the information they need when entrusting their clients’ money to a discretionary manager.

“We believe a trusted relationship with advisers is just as important as portfolio performance, and a high level of personalised service allows us to aid advisers in providing good outcomes for their clients.”

We’re adding more MPS providers all the time. If there’s a MPS provider or range that you’d like to see on Analyser, let us know and contact the provider to encourage them to get the wheels in motion.

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