Morningstar Wealth portfolios now available on Analyser

You can now use Analyser to research and compare Morningstar’s managed portfolios when reviewing investments on behalf of clients.

It launched its managed portfolios in March 2013, and as at 31 March 2024 had £2.1bn in MPS assets under management.

The managed portfolio ranges sit within Morningstar Wealth, which also includes Morningstar Wealth Platform and adviser software firms Wealthcraft and FinaMetrica.

There are six MPS ranges available:

·       Active

·       Passive

·       Income

·       Blended

·       Governed

·       ESG

These are available across 17 platforms.

Advisers have access to a range of tools and content to support client engagement and keep up to date with markets.

Resources cover topics such as addressing clients’ behavioural biases and the value of advice, as well as on demand webinars, investment insights and client-friendly communications.

For details of cost, performance, investment approach and much more on these ranges, log into Analyser.

We’re adding more MPS providers all the time. If there’s a MPS provider or range that you’d like to see on Analyser, let us know and contact the provider to encourage them to get the wheels in motion.

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