Easy to refresh due diligence, time after time

Analyser is the essential, easy-to-use platform and MPS comparison and due diligence tool for financial planners, advisers and paraplanners

Screenshot of Analyser's MPS business analysis feature

Rely on our experience

Our due diligence experience is the engine behind the Analyser process

Make it your own

Tailor Analyser by adding client segments, pricing deals and your own logo

Due diligence done

Full due diligence on platforms and MPS drawing from hundreds of data points

Easy comparisons

Run feature, price and performance comparisons quickly and easily

Suitability reports at firm and client level

Assess which platform is the best fit for individual clients and export the results for communication

Regulation and Consumer Duty ready

Designed to help you meet your regulatory and Consumer Duty requirements

Platform to platform switching

Create detailed reports specifically designed for platform transfers

Create an audit trail that stands the test of time

Records all your decisions and preserves them in a report

Lean on us for support

Our team is always on hand to answer queries, run demos and provide how-to info, so you can get the best from Analyser from the off.

A lang cat in your pocket

Subscribe to Analyser for access to regular, exclusive insight from the lang cat team, sharing the latest trends, pricing changes and market news, including the lang cat’s annual ‘State of the Platform Nation’ report.

Plans and pricing

Choose the plan that works best for you and your firm. You can get started straight away or sign up for a free trial (health warning: the free trial allows you to access and try out Analyser’s full functionality for 14 days, but you can’t download or export stuff).


Renewing and paid for annually, Everything offers full access to Analyser and all the lang cat has to offer advice professionals.

£320 + VAT for a year

  • Platform and MPS due diligence
  • Downloadable due diligence data and reports
  • Platform and MPS Directory
  • Hands-on help with one-to-one demos and extensive in-tool support
  • Access for a year
  • Platform-to-platform switching reports
  • Client facing suitability reports
  • Comparisons including features, pricing and performance
  • Insight package including the lang cat’s State of the Platform Nation and Adviser briefings
  • Tracker: The lang cat’s regulatory and policy tracker

Not Everything

14 consecutive days access to carry out due diligence reports inside Analyser.

£150 + VAT for 14 days

  • Platform and MPS due diligence
  • Downloadable due diligence data and reports
  • Platform and MPS Directory
  • Access to in-system support
  • Access for a 14 days
  • Platform-to-platform switching reports
  • Client facing suitability reports
  • Comparisons including features, pricing and performance
  • Insight package including the lang cat’s State of the Platform Nation and Adviser briefings
  • Tracker: The lang cat’s regulatory and policy tracker

Our partners

Whether it’s additional data or complementary services, we partner with a number of organisations to ensure you get the best possible due diligence and suitability support.

Platforms and product providers

don’t be left out!

Like to talk to us about adding your product to Analyser?

Or perhaps you need help with market analysis and proposition development and would benefit from the insights you’ll get through Analyser…

Discover how Analyser can help.

Start using Analyser.

Discover the difference Analyser can make to your platform and MPS due diligence

Due diligence done properly | Fiercely independent | Your data remains your data