Front cover and inside spread of the lang cat's State of the Platform Nation

State of the Platform Nation: What the future holds for platforms

Every year, the lang cat publishes the State of the Platform Nation report – our annual deep dive into platforms in the UK.

The 2023/24 report is the 12th edition and reviews the previous year and sets out what we think the future holds for platforms.

2023 will go down as one of the toughest years on record for platforms.

Not because of the business coming into this competitive market, but for the flows of investments being taken out of platforms, plus the rise in interest rates, tough economic conditions, volatile markets and the most far-reaching regulation for ten years, all combining to make one heck of a headwind for platforms.

In this year’s report there’s a lot of stuff you’ll expect based on previous versions, but each year we also challenge ourselves to develop the data and findings to shine new lights and offer fresh perspectives of the market.

This report is intended to take a different view to the quarterly Platform Market Scorecards and Adviser Briefings, which look at the trends of platforms on a discrete basis throughout the year.

We’ve covered the trends in outflows and sales each quarter, so our aim here is to provide new perspectives on these.

To that end, this year we’ve explored how the trends in assets and sales we saw throughout the year look under the different lenses afforded through our other pieces of primary research, as well as data from Analyser, enabling us to answer different questions about the platform market.

How important is scale? How vital is branding? What about vertical integration? How crucial is price? What’s essential to advice professionals to help you do business in 2024 and beyond?

All of this and lots more is explored in this paper, along with some familiar favourites in our pricing heatmaps, provider ratings and our platforms on a page summary of individual platform performance and strategy.

This report isn’t possible without the participation of the platforms and members of the advice community, and the considerable time expended and data shared by all.

The report is available, free of charge, to subscribers to Analyser.

If we did sell it to advisers as a standalone report, we’d charge £300+ VAT.

That’s the cost of an annual subscription to Analyser. It goes without saying, that it’s not all you get when you sign up to Analyser.

Sounds like a steal?

Give it a go yourself.

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