How do I cancel my subscription?

We believe an Analyser subscription packs in a whole lot of value for you and your firm. But if you’ve decided it’s not for you, that’s fair enough. Log in to Analyser, go to ‘account settings’, and select ‘cancel subscription’. And if you change your mind, you know where we are.

I’m not an adviser – can I join the party at the going rate?

As we point out during sign-up, Analyser is only available to advice professionals. We know who qualify to subscribe on this basis. However, if you work for a platform provider, fund manager, industry body or big consultancy firm please contact our support team and we’ll happily provide you with a demo of what’s available to you.

Do I have to pay for multiple licences for our firm?

For security, Analyser uses Multi Factor Authentication. This means that only one person can be logged in at any one time. We haven’t built firm-level licences yet for multiple users at the same time, but we will if subscribers tell us they want it. If, in the meantime, you are considering multiple subscriptions for your

How do I pay for Analyser?

You can pay by direct debit or card. Card payment can also be facilitated via Apple or Google pay. We only take a bank transfer for annual subscriptions. If, at the end of your 14 day free trial, you decide you can’t do without Analyser, we guide you through the process to set up your

How much is it to use Analyser?

You can choose the plan that works best for you and your firm. We offer two options: Everything and Not Everything.   With Everything, you get full access to Analyser and everything the lang cat has to offer advice professionals, for £320 + VAT a year.   With Not Everything, you get 14 consecutive days access to