This will be used if the original email address is no longer in use or the user has left the company.
Yes. When you are logged into Analyser, go to ‘account’, and then ‘account settings’. You’re able to add your billing email address here.
The first payment will be taken three working days after it is set up and the same date thereafter.
We’ve written a blog post on this.
Analyser shows performance and volatility for every portfolio. The data represents cumulative figures, net of investment costs and MPS fees unless indicated. The data is provided quarterly by the MPS provider, and we rely on each MPS provider for ensuring reliability and accuracy of their own data. Although data is believed to be reliable and
That’s easy. Drop us a line at [email protected] with the name of the provider and we’ll contact them. It will also speed matters up if you contact your BDM and let them know how much you’d like to see their MPS on Analyser.
Let’s start with what MPS stands for. In Analyser, MPS stands for Managed Portfolio Service. A MPS is a range of portfolios managed by a DFM that any financial planner or adviser can invest in. They are usually risk rated and managed through rebalancing, fund changes and weightings of every underlying asset. The MPS is available
Right now, Analyser only includes retail platforms. We’ve plans to add ‘adviser as the platform’ platforms like Seccl and SEI in the future.
We collect these twice a year from our adviser panel. These are rated out of a score of 5.
Analyser is built on adviser feedback. So if you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see, just let us know at [email protected]. There’s also the ‘Get in touch’ button for any queries, suggestions or other general Analyser related comments.